Last updated August 17, 2012
<-Building Blocks <-CHM130 <-CHM107

C4: Compounds built from the Elements

#1: To the right we see the protons in the nucleus of carbon and fluorine atoms pulling on the electrons they are sharing. In this tug-a-war, which one do you think is pulling harder, carbon or fluorine? (hint: find out their atomic number because that tells you how many protons they have.)

#2. Ionic bonding occurs when two charged atoms (ions) have opposite charges. Which two atoms to the right will be attracted to each other? (hint: count protons and electrons)
#3. Compounds are often divided into two categories, "organic" and "inorganic." Remember, organic is carbon-based and normally came from a living organism. Inorganic is just the opposite. Name 3 things in the picture that have organic compounds and 3 things that have inorganic compounds.
#4: Nature has an efficient way to build structures. It starts with small building blocks that build large building blocks that are then used to building even larger building blocks. The below optical illusion does the same thing. No, the circles aren't moving, but they seem to.
4a) If your eyes or brain doesn't go buggy, try to describe the smallest building blocks in this image.
4b) Did the artist draw each and every part of this or did he or she make a small building block that got copied to a larger one, that got copied again?
<-Building Blocks <-CHM130 <-CHM107

Since Sept 14, 2008