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Even though each lab has specific math skills and concepts, there are some general (reoccuring) math skills and chemistry concepts that need to be reinforced. We might also keep a column for safe and good lab practices that should be reinforced.
The competencies for CHM130LL are at the bottom of this page.
Math Skills
Chemistry Concepts
Safe & Good Lab Practices
Making measurements by reading scales and using the proper number of significant figures. States of matter Have clean (and uncluttered) work area.
Doing calculations and setting proper significant figures in the answers. Element vs. Compound Use clean instruments and labware
Using conversion factors to do dimensional analysis (Factor-label method) Physical vs. Chemical Properties  
Solving problems using dimensional analysis (Factor-label method) Physical vs. Chemical Processes  
Temperature conversions Atomic notation and structure  
Density calculations Electron Configuration/Valence electrons  
Percent concentration problems (% w/w, % w/v, % v/v) Metal, nonmetal, metalloid  
Molar concentration problems Formulas and Nomenclature  
Parts per million (or billion) concentration problems Single & double replacement reactions  
Grams to moles and moles to grams Decomposition and synthesis reactions  
Elemental Analysis Combustion reactions  
Stoichiometry calculations Electrolyte vs. non-electrolyte  
pH calculations Acid & Base concepts  
Titration calculations?    
Spreadsheet and calculator skills    
Below are the competencies listed at http://www.maricopa.edu/curriculum/A-C/056chm130ll.html .
1. Identify and evaluate chemical hazards and hazard warning signs (such as the 4-bar Hazardous Material Information System, the 4- diamond National Fire Protection Association System, and Material Safety Data Sheets).
2. Record observations accurately, using appropriate chemical terminology.
3. Prepare written reports, present data in a logical format, analyze data, and report conclusions.
4. Use scientific measuring devices to obtain chemical data and report these measurements with the proper number of digits.
5. Apply principles, concepts, and procedures of chemistry to lab experiments.
6. Use the scientific method in interpreting chemical data to arrive at rational conclusions.
7. Use lab equipment properly and safely to perform a variety of chemical procedures and techniques.
8. Cite the location and operation of common laboratory safety equipment.