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Lab Title
Picture that represents the theme of the lab here. Alternative: The picture can span full row with comment about lab title above it. The picture can also have a caption underneath it if desired. A comment about the topic indicated in the lab title
Picture to go with Objective 1 Objective 1 given followed by a comment about objective 1.
Picture to go with Objective 2 Objective 2 given followed by a comment about objective 2.
Picture to go with Objective 3 Objective 3 given followed by a comment about objective 3.
Picture to go with applications for objective 1 A discussion of the applications that correspond to objective 1
Picture to go with applications for objective 2 A discussion of the applications that correspond to objective 2
Picture to go with applications for objective 3 A discussion of the applications that correspond to objective 3
Picture to illustrate theory for objective 1 A discussion of the theory that corresponds to objective 1
Picture to illustrate theory for objective 2 A discussion of the theory that corresponds to objective 2
Picture to illustrate theory for objective 3 A discussion of the theory that corresponds to objective 3
Self-Test Theory
Pictures or diagrams that reinforce and test the understanding of the theory for the objectives. Questions to check the understanding of the theory.
Math Skills Needed
Equations, diagrams, spreadsheets, etc. A discussion and instruction of math skills needed for the lab
Math Skills Tested
Equations, diagrams, spreadsheets, etc. These questions can be posed on this Web page or placed in Sapling Learning.
Safety and Best Practices
Pictures or diagrams to give overview of safety and best practices for the lab Overview of the safety and best practices for the lab. These are reinforced during the procedures as well.
Pictures, diagrams, animations, or videos to show the procedure for first section of the lab. Step by step procedures shown
Post-Lab Questions
Pictures to go with post lab questions These questions can be posed on this Web page or placed in Sapling Learning.