CHM-107LL (Lab) Syllabus Spring 2016: Class 19075 (hybrid)
Welcome to Chemistry & Society
A Survey of Chemistry and its Impact on Society
Ken Costello and Dana Wang
Two Lab Manuals:
There is a printed lab manual, but it’s not in the bookstore. It will be checked out to you along with your
lab equipment. The printed lab manual is
for the labs done on campus. The other
lab manual is online, which will cover the experiments you do at home. No cost for either lab manual.
General Education Designation: Natural Sciences (Quantitative) - [SQ] when both CHM107
and CHM107LL are taken.
Prerequisites: None.
Non-Nursing, Non-Science
Majors: This class is not for
students going into nursing or other science fields. Science majors could
take this class but later when they take CHM130 or higher, the CHM107 class
would count only as an elective. For non-science majors this is a great
class to get your science with lab credit.
Course Hybrid Structure: Being a hybrid class, the class is
split between face-to-face classroom time and working at
home. For example, this lab would
normally meet about 14 times during the semester, but we will meet on-campus
only 10 times partially because of some holidays but also because you will be
doing some experiments at home, which normal labs don’t do.
On-Campus meeting place: Room C309.
Time: Mondays, 1pm to 3pm-3:50pm
Off Campus Field Labs: These are done at home, work, or any other
place away from the college. These are
done the week following the lab.
Cyberspace meeting places: Chemistryland,
Canvas, and Sapling Learning websites
CHM107LL Home
Page at Chemistryland:
Canvas login page (announcements):
Sapling Learning
website (testing):
No office but we can make arrangements for a place to meet.
Office Hours:
No set office hours, but available by email or phone all through the day
(9am to 11pm) except on Mondays between 11am and 4pm while I’m in class. Mondays before 11am or after 4pm are good for
setting up face-to-face tutoring or meetings at the main campus.
Contact for Ken Costello: Phone: (480) 202-2993 Email: (specific
for this class-preferred) or
Contact for
Dana Wang: Phone: (602) 285-7143 (messages through department’s
administrative secretary, Rita) Email:
Course Schedule:
The lab class meets on campus 10 times. There are a couple of
Mondays where we won’t meet for class.
That’s the same 2 days the CHM107 on-campus lecture doesn’t meet.
Quizzes, and Grading: The on-campus labs have
worksheets to turn in. So those will be used to give your credit for your lab
work. You will also be doing some
experiments at home and will be turning in lab reports for those as well. You will also have post lab quizzes. There
will also be a lab final. Those will
either be on Sapling Learning, on Canvas, accessed from the CHM107LL home page,
or handed out at the end of each lab.
10 on-campus labs at 100 points
each (50 points for doing the lab & 50 points for how you do on your
turned-in worksheets). Total is 1000
10 Field labs (lab activities
done away from campus) at 35 points each. 350 points total.
10 post-lab quizzes at 25 points each for 250
points total.
Cleanliness of lab drawer checked at
middle & end of semester. 200 points
1 Lab Final worth 200
Total Points for Course is 2000.
Grading scale: % of possible points.
A> 90 % B> 80% C> 70% D> 60% F<60% Extra credit assignments available
Course Competencies as per Maricopa College District:
1. Identify chemical hazards and hazard warning signs (such as the
4-bar Hazardous Material Information System, the 4-diamond National Fire
Protection Association System and Material Safety Data Sheets).
2. Record observations accurately.
3. Prepare written reports, present data in a logical format, analyze
data, and report conclusions.
4. Use measuring devices and report measurements with the proper number
of digits.
5. Apply the principles and concepts presented in lecture (CHM107) to
laboratory experiments.
6. Use laboratory equipment properly and safely.
Lab Safety and Stockroom Policies: Be sure to read and follow the
information in Lab 1, which covers safety and stockroom policies.
Course Withdrawal Policy: Be aware there is a date which the Admissions
Office will not accept withdrawals without the instructor’s signature.
Progress and
the 45 day roster update: Around the 45th
day after the semester begins, I’m required to drop anyone who is not actively
engaged in their class by missing classes and not making satisfactory progress
on field labs and post-lab quizzes.
Student Guide: All Maricopa Community College students are expected to be
familiar with the Student Guide that explains the policies, procedures, and resources
for students. Here is the web address for the Student Guide.
Besides student responsibilities, it
has a wealth of other information, too.
Disability Support Services: If you have
or think you have a disability, including a learning disability, please make an
appointment with an advisor or the Disabilities Resources and Services center
as soon as possible (tel. (602)285-7477, fax. (602)285-7663, video phone
(623)208-4063). You will be assisted with appropriate
accommodations in your classes.
Summary: I think doing labs on campus along with lab in
the field is the best way to get acquainted with chemistry. You can’t always depend on others to provide a
safe environment. You need to be able to check some things for
yourself. Welcome to Chemistry & Society laboratory class. Now,
let's see what’s in this water…